Floods have not facilitated at Shkodra residents, while yesterday was added to fears they had returned rainfall and Buna threatens to swell again.
Difficult situation continues to be in the South, although the emergency headquarters looks calm, as the water level in Vjosa continues to decrease.
Reports in Shkodër taught that rain have resumed yesterday after 24 hours of rest, have increased the anxiety of residents for several days experiencing flooding. Even yesterday, Obot village continued to remain isolated by flooding, while in the municipality Ana Mountain are 1800 hectares of land flooded.
Great presence of water is in the village Shirq Commune Dajç, where small tools are still not allowed to pass. In Shirq, water has come from 50 cm to 1 meter. However, there are no apartments under water, but agricultural land. Whereas axis Shkodra-Velipojë water up to 70 centimeters.
In places where water is drawn, families have begun to make cleaning and everything is almost destroyed. Furniture raised in height and cast objects above each other to save water is the appearance of housing in NënShkodrës. In the municipality of Berdicës, homes that were flooded first Thursday evening, have begun to verify damages.
Family members say that they have lost all hope for compensation and damages are large, at a time when not received a single penny from the flood of 2010-2011-s. No one has deigned to come to see the damage according to them, besides representatives of the municipality.
In general, in the municipality of Berdicës there were 40 homes flooded, 100 people evacuated from homes, 25 businesses under water and 150 families surrounded by water. There were also 800 acres of agricultural land flooded, of which 100 hectares were planted with wheat, 50 with hasëll, 15 fruit trees and vineyards, 10 with seasonal vegetables and 625 alfalfa. Damages are great, and none so far, despite promises, has not released a proper balance and the amount that should be compensated for these families.
While in the South, with suferinë bad weather and strong wind accompanied yesterday coastal city residents. Has caught wind speed of 55 km per hour. Weather is not improved after last week's flooding in the port of Vlora. Throughout the evening, stayed in the Port of Vlora ferry Monday morning went to Italy and not as a result of large waves was forced to return to the berth, at anchor, while heavy ships are offshore within the breast and expect only after calm sea anchor. But bad weather has suspended marine traffic and customs, has caused the city a number of injuries mainly in trees and billboards. Synoptic reference service, the weather is expected to improve only on Wednesday.
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