Thursday, March 14, 2013

Germany: Plot to Murder Islam Critic Thwarted...Death List of Islam Critics Found

I've written a few times here about Markus Beisicht and the PRO NRW (North Rhine Westphalia) movement he leads.
They are the ones who demonstrated outside mosques with anti-Mohammed cartoons last year, which earned him a place on a fatwa death list discovered last year.
Here is what I published on 19 September last year.
The leader of the Islam-critical PRO movement, the Leverkusen lawyer Markus Beisicht, is also mentioned by name in the death list announced today by an Arab imam. The so-called fatwa was pronounced against the makers of the Mohammed video - and against everyone who supports the further dissemination of the video. In Germany, in the view of Arab Islamists, this group of persons apparently includes the PRO leader Markus Beisicht. Beisicht is listed in the bloodthirsty document along with his name, address, email and telephone details. All young Muslims in the USA and Europe are called on to murder the people named in the fatwa.
Markus Beisicht:
"The police state protection service informed me yesterday about this new development. It is horrifying the brutality with which Islamic extremists from the other end of the world want to prescribe what we Germans, Europeans and Americans can or can't say," said Beisicht in his first public statement on the matter. "This is a general attack on our values and sovereignty. Freedom of opinion and democracy must not be sacrificed to the totalitarian power claims of a medieval ideology. In any case we will not weaken and will vigorously continue our political struggle against islamisation and foreign infiltration!".
Yesterday, the Mohammedans moved to implement the fatwa.
German police said on Wednesday evening that they had foiled an Islamist assassination plot against a leading xenophobic politician in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).
The authorities arrested four members of a radical Salafist group before they could murder Markus Beisicht, the head of the anti-Muslim far-right Pro NRW party.
The police apprehended two of the suspects in Leverkusen near Cologne, where they were apparently observing Beisicht. Two others were arrested in Essen and Bonn, where the police discovered ingredients to make explosives and a gun.
"The arrests prove that the security authorities are vigilant and take the threat from extremist Salafists very seriously,” said NRW Interior Minister Ralf Jäger, according the website of Der Spiegel.
The Bild newspaper reported that one of the arrested men was involved in a failed bomb attack at Bonn’s main train station on December 10. Although the explosive device was detonated, it did not go off.
Police planned to offer more details of the plot at a press conference later in the evening.
Beisicht and Pro NRW have been involved in violent clashes with Salafists over the past year.
Last May, violence broke out when 25 Pro NRW campaigners demonstrated using offensive caricatures of Islam's Prophet Mohammed. These campaigners then clashed with members of the Salafist community in the western town of Solingen who had gathered for a counter-demonstration.
Police said at the time that Salafists tried to break through a police barricade, brandishing rocks and sticks.
Source: The Local
Focus magazine adds some more details:
The suspected attackers are the two converts Marco G. from Bonn and Enea B. from the Ruhr region. The suspect Koray D. is from Hessen. His suspected accomplice Tayfun S. recently lived in North Rhine Westphalia....
Source: Focus
In an updated story the same publication says:
The suspects are two 23 and 24-yeard old Germans of Turkish origin, a 43-year-old Albanian and a 25-year-old German.
Source: Focus
But Beisicht wasn't the only one the Mohammedans were targeting.
The attack plans of the radical Islamic Salafists, which were thwarted by the police, apparently applied not only to the leader, but other members of the far-right party Pro NRW. During the arrest of the four suspects, a list was found in a flat with a total of nine persons' names marked in red, including that of Beisicht, said the Essen's director of investigations Rainer Pannenbäcker on Wednesday evening. He could not confirm that this was a "death list".
Source: Focus
Beisicht made a statement on Wednesday evening. The videos of the event are shown above in German.
"The religion of peace has revealed itself once again...We will not capitulate"

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